Tuesday, July 6, 2010

88) Are people who they claim to be

In Mail-Art it is normal to have an alias. Not being the person you realy are. Using a symbolic name for the mail-art you send out. Are the people online and say they are active in mail-art also really the persons they claim to be?


Anonymous said...

I am who I claim to be. I use my real name in mail art.

Anonymous said...

I am who I claim to be. I use my real name in mail art.

Ruud Janssen said...

I am who I claim to be. I use my real name in mail art.

ММ said...

I also use my own name and initials when i send out, communicate via internet.

Anyway some people might want to hide themselves and have a kind of protection from outside world, some privacy. I think it is okay.

It is interesting to go through paths of communication from completely unknown stranger to good friends with a person who used to hide behind some creepy nickname =)

Ruud Janssen said...

Yes, MF, you have a point there. Going anonymous through all these communication channels has a charme. You can follow how things spread as a kind of voyeur. It makes you cross over borders you normally wouldn't cross.

Elizabeth Parsons said...

I use my real name

Heleen said...

Alas I forgot to make up a nickname. In Mail Art I am who I say I am.

I say 'alas' as the world wide web sometimes seems to be terrifying public. A nickname would be useful, too!..




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